IMPORTANT: The Passive Prospecting Accelerator Is VERY Limited and Currently Exclusive To 15 People During This Enrollment Period - Only Apply If You're Serious About Maximizing The Amount Of Leads You Get Through YouTube...

Want Us To Personally Help You Get Fresh, Qualified Leads From YouTube Month After Month Like Clockwork?

You Know, When You Have High Quality Leads Coming To You Effortlessly And The Community You Serve Respects You Like A Local Celebrity, Only Then Will You Become A Million Dollar Per Year Earner


(We Can Help Make That Happen For You But Only If You're One Of The First 15 People Chosen)

Due To The Exclusivity Of This Opportunity, Most Will Not Qualify - Please Read This Page To Check The Requirements
From: Levi Lascsak
RE: Your Real Estate Success and Lead Flow

Dear Current Or Future Top Producer,

If you're on this page it's because you want to get more high quality leads from YouTube with less work and by having my team do ALL the heavy lifting for you.

If that's not why you're here, that's okay.

Just please leave this page and continue on with your life as you were...

...Still reading?


That means we got the tire kickers, knuckle draggers and fakers out of the building.

Now it's just you and me talking.

Here's Who Qualifies

And Even More Importantly... Who DOESN'T

  • You're a Real Estate Agent or Brokerage that understands the power of free leads from YouTube but don't want to do all the hard work to get ranked and have consistent growth. If that's you - this is for you!
  • You have a track record of being a doer and getting things done. Listen, I'll outline everything we'll do for you shortly but you still need to record the videos we tell you to record. If you can't do that (or can't find someone to do it for you), this isn't going to work.
  • You need to be prepared for a steady growth in your business. Some folks say they want more leads but aren't willing to do the leg work to close the deal... like show a listing on the weekend.  If you can't do that basic hustle, this isn't for you.
  • "​Scared money don't make no money" - Our Done For You premium service is not free and it's not cheap.  The good news is, you're only one deal away from making that money back and that's what our our entire program is designed to do... get you more high quality leads so you can attract more business than you currently do.  But... If you're scared to pony up a little bit of money to hire my team, this will not be for you.
Still here?

That's great!

Since you'll be working personally with my team and I, there's a lot of "qualifying" I need to do.

I'm not just trying to sell anyone with a pulse on becoming a client.

I want quality people like you because I know we can get you quality results in very little time.

In many cases, less than 90 days into the program!

Here's Who I Am

 And Why You Should Care

"How We Made $100,000 In Commissions In 100 Days"

My name is Levi Lascsak. I'm the guy on the left in this picture.

After we locked in our first contract, My business partner, Travis (on the right in our picture) and I made $100,000 in commissions in 100 days and since then, we've sold $119 million over the last two years.

Now we're challenging ALL agents to do the same thing.  

And the best part is, we'll do all the heavy lifting so you can avoid all the costly pitfalls we had to overcome.

Making it easy to leapfrog to the top and become a top producer in minimum time.

Will you accept our $100K in 100 day challenge?"

I hope so!  

Read on to learn more...

Discover How We'll Help You Dominate Your Local Market Over The Next 12 Months Or Less - Guaranteed!

Here's a bullet point list of everything included in our Done-For-You program, The Passive Prospecting Accelerator:
  • Dedicated account manager (someone to hold you hand through entire program. They'll even show you little tricks to build confidence with being on camera, how to repurpose content on other platforms and they'll also help you write the script. They are your direct line for priority support)
  • Video editing for your videos (includes thumbnails, SEO, backend optimization and build out of your channel… all you do is create the channel, record the videos and we do the rest)
  • Highly Exclusive (we will only take on 2-3 clients per city based on population size.  This keeps you dominating with little to no competition)
  • Access to a targeted list of trending video topics - You'll get this every month to make your videos easy to record in a systematic way (this gives you the highest chance of getting the YouTube algorithm to favor you in the future) 
  • Up to 4 weekly group calls - These calls will help you unlock the latest strategies and trends we're seeing in our own analytics (Peak behind the curtain and jumpstart your results. We'll talk about SEO, Branding, Copywriting, Offers and How To CONVERT!)
  • ​Exclusive Access to our CRM - All of our automations are built out for you, just change our names and you’re good to go (You'll get proven emails, workflows, templates are all built out. No extra fees - everything is plug and play)
  • Professional certification - After successfully going through our step by step Passive Prospecting course, you'll be mailed a professional certification you can proudly present in your office (your clients and peers will respect you more for furthering your knowledge in this business)
  • Google Business Profile - We'll get you set up on Google with a business profile so getting found is easier (if you already have a profile, we'll help you optimize it for maximum results to boost your online reputation)
  • ​One hour biz consultation with prime capital services - These folks are the best in the business and will make sure you're properly set up ( they help you set up your llc, protect yourself, taxes, etc)
  • FREE Consultation With Out Personal Accounting Team - You'll access the same great account team we use to keep our books squeaky clean and profitable (this critical as you grow and scale)
  • End of Year Mastermind (In Person) - Just cover your own hotel and flight  and we'll meet up at the end of the year to level up (You'll also get FREE professional pictures taken from our photographer to use in your marketing)
  • Passive Prospecting Sub Club Award - Once you get 1,000 subscribers, we'll send you a real, honest-to-God plaque that you can hang in your office or home and proudly show off (you deserve this and we'll help you get it!)
  • FREE T-Shirt - To welcome you to our Passive Prospecting family, we'll also send you a T-shirt you can wear at events, when showing homes or even at the park when you're having a picnic with the family (these are high quality, not that cheap stuff)
  • ​Private Referral Network - You’ll become a preferred partner.  How's that benefit you? Well. we just sent an $800K deal to a member and that happens more than you'd think (frankly, you can make your money back with just this)
  • Access to all of our high level courses- Upgrading your skills and having a team is the secret to massive success (our courses will show you what working RIGHT NOW in Real Estate)
  • Our Sales Call Vault - You'll get a rare behind the scenes access pass to our call recordings vault. These are our initial sales calls before someone becomes a client (You can model this for your own calls and close more deals with less effort)
  • And TONS More!

What Other Agents Are Saying...

Video Above From: Deedee Galindo

Video Above From: Meaghan Becker

Our $25,000 Guarantee


You should be, you can't believe everything you see on the internet.

Here's how the guarantee works: 

If you don't make at least $25,000 in commissions over the next 12 months directly from our DFY program and efforts, we'll keep working with you for FREE until we hit that goal.

The truth is, no one signs up to work with us because they want to make $25,000.

The sign up with us because they want to add an extra $100,000 to their income.

And that's at a bare minimum.

So aim high and we'll get you high quality results.

Your Next Step Is Simple

If this sounds like something you'd like to learn more about and make sure it's a good fit for you...

...Just click the button below to pick a time to speak with our Channel Success Manager.

They'll walk you through how our program works and show you how to get started if you feel it's something you'd like to move forward with.

If it's not for you, that's okay too.

My life won't change whether you decide to become a client or not.

I'll still have leads coming in, deals closing and a team hard at work.

But how will your life look if you don't become a client?

Will you stay on the same pace as you are now in your business?

Probably not.

You'll probably lose momentum because all the business will flood to those who dominate YouTube.

That's just the way it is whether we like it or not.

Either way though, I want to thank you for reading this message.

If you still want to chat, just click the button and pick a time that works for you.

To Your Real Estate Success,

Levi Lascsak

P.S. At the moment, I'm only taking 15 new clients per month.

That means if you don't apply now, you could miss out in the future when we're at our max.

If this resonates with you - book a time to speak with us and let's make something work. 
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